Strive forĀ More Scholarship 2024
This annual $1,000 scholarship will be granted to one individual actively enrolled full time in a healthcare professional program.Ā
In order to apply, fill out the form. You will receive an email with instructions for submitting a brief essay and unofficial transcript. Your application will not be considered complete until unofficial transcript and brief essay are received.
Award will be paid directly to academic institution. The application deadline is July 1, 2024. The recipient will be announced August 1, 2024.
Apply to Win a $1000 Scholarship
Scholarship winner will be featured on Strive Coaching, LLC media outlets. Applying for the scholarship implies consent to be featured if selected. We won't send spam. Unsubscribe at any time.
The 2024 winner of the Strive for More Scholarship is...
Melanie Moreno, PA-S of Westfield State University.

Application Process
Qualified applicants must complete an application, which includes a short essay, and provide a copy of recent transcripts (unofficial transcripts are accepted). Academic performance will not be considered during the application process, as long as applicant has minimum GPA of 2.5.
Demographic information is not required for application.
Qualifying healthcare professional programs include graduate training to become a physician assistant, pharmacist, nurse practitioner, dentist, CRNA, optometrist, physical therapist, and physician.
Applicants must be US citizen and attending a college/university in the United States.

Payment of Scholarship
The student must provide proof of registration within 30 days of being selected for payment to be initiated. Strive Coaching, LLC will make payment directly to the college or university the student is attending.