
Medical Professionals...

The Insiders Guide to Get Rid Of Money Anxiety & Create The Foundation For Becoming A Millionaire In Medicine

You can become a Millionaire in Medicine without working extra shifts or skipping your next vacation. It all starts by copy & pasting our proven money management systems into your life. 


Financial Freedom in 5 Days: A Money Makeover Challenge

Unlock your wealth potential through debt strategy, critical cash reserves, and mastering the art of budgeting.

Next challenge dates August 11 - August 15, 2024.

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Money Systems That Work

Budget in a way that doesn't suck, so you can maximize your income without major lifestyle cuts. Learn to make more AND keep more.


Debt Strategy for Medical Professionals

When you've got six figures in student loans, there's more to it than "just pay it off". Learn how to approach your debt in a way that's strategic and allows you to build wealth.


Critical Cash Reserves

Learn how to save in the way that earns you more money for your cash, and when you should stop saving and start investing. 

Imagine being able to implement the money system that made me a millionaire.


I was a new grad PA-C with $161,000 in student loan debt, and no clue how to manage money. I was trying to figure out how to allocate cash each month, and navigate my student loans. I really wanted to be able to travel, reduce hours when I wanted, and retire when I could still enjoy life - so I wouldn't suffer with anxiety about money & never get ahead.

I wanted to be able to feel confident in my cashflow plan and stop feeling like a slave to medicine.

The thing is I had NO idea how (no one teaches this)That meant I wasn’t able to feel confident in my cashflow plan, let alone stop feeling like a slave to medicine.

To make things worse, I felt terrible because I had invested hundreds of thousands in my education, and had little money to show for it. My husband didn't have ANY debt, so I felt like I was dragging down our marriage. I felt like burden.

Eventually I got sick & tired of feeling broke. Which meant sitting at my dining room table in tearsembarrassed to talk about money with my spouse.

Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened...

That's when I deciding enough was enough & actually started learning about money. I figured out that there was a lot more to my money problems than just student loan debt!

It was now crystal clear to me how to how to use my income from medicine to create wealth & freedom, and I saw I could have the life I always wanted.

I also learned that being rich wasn't only for OTHER people... I just needed to  implement my new cashflow system to get there.

As a result I changed the way I used money each month.

After I did that, I started cleared my student loan debt quickly.

Suddenly, I was became a millionaire at 31.

That’s when I realized that the secret to figure out how to allocate cash each month and navigate my student loans was cashflow systems that can be automated while you're doing other things.

We still made lots of mistakes and made costly decisions because of the "ignorant tax".

After years of learning & consistently implementing, I created the framework for becoming a Millionaire in Medicine.

As a result of all this...

Money doesn't make our decisions - passions do. I create my schedule around how I want to spend my time, and not the need for the next dollar. We get to enjoy money now, and know our future is secure.

After creating the framework for becoming a Millionaire in Medicine, I was not only able to build total peace & security, I’ve also been able to stop working extra shifts because I don't need the money.

And in the end, all of this means I’m now able to feel confident and excited about the future knowing I'm in control.

Join the challenge so you can implement the exact system that took me from $161,000 in student loan debt to a millionaire. 


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What are you waiting for?
You won't get rich by doing nothing.

Spots will sell out fast. You may as well grab one now!


The entire challenge is hosted remotely so you can join from the comfort of your home or office.

Basic Admission


Top features

  • Join from your home or office 
  • Easy, downloadable systems for rapid implementation
  • Daily live training on budgeting systems, debt strategy, & critical cash reserves, with 24 hour access to live replays
  • On-demand deep dive video training
  • Access to all on-demand challenge materials for 7 days

VIP Seat


Most Popular

  • Easy, downloadable systems for rapid implementation
  • Daily live training on budgeting systems, debt strategy, & critical cash reserves, with lifetime access to live replays
  • On-demand deep dive video training
  • Lifelong access to all challenge materials
  • 5X Money Back Guarantee

Learn From The Best


Kristin Burton, MPAS, PA-C


A practicing PA in pulmonary & critical care medicine, Kristin began her career with $161,000 in student loan debt. She paid that off in 16 months, and then went on to become a millionaire at 31 through investing in the stock market & real estate. As the founder of Strive Coaching, she's helped thousands of healthcare professionals set themselves on the path to becoming Millionaires in Medicine.

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